All students grade 6th- 12th are required to have a device at school each day. The school provides iPads and Chromebooks to all upper school students. The cost of loaning these devices is included in the technology fee. These devices will be supervised, and students will not be able to put apps on the devices themselves. Non-academic programs will not appear on the iPad. In addition, “messenger” will not be available.
The Internet content will be filtered while at school. For families looking for a way to keep their children safe at home, both on their iPad and mobile phones, we encourage parents to look into The iPads will come with a full keyboard and protective case. Note that it is our plan to collect the iPads at the end of each school year and redistribute the next.

Some of our current advances include:
· Classroom touch displays in all academic classrooms – The lessons come alive in our classrooms with videos, websites, interactive images, diagrams, and more. Teachers use the displays to help engage the students while instructing, or by allowing students the chance to interact during a lesson or student presentation.
· Student iPads – In 6th grade all students (including new students in grades 6 – 8) are supplied an iPad by the school. More than just a glowing piece of paper, students use the iPads to interact with the teacher, while the teacher is able to guide and monitor the students. Students might create a presentation, research a topic, or work on an interactive website. It’s important to note that the iPad does not take the place of basic skills like handwriting or note-taking.

We are dedicated to creating the greatest learning environment possible. While outstanding teachers are the cornerstone of the education we offer, we want to assure that our teachers have the resources necessary to provide the highest quality education possible. In addition, we are committed to providing the best facilities and courses to assure our students are ready for anything the future might bring.
Our students will be educated in a modern learning environment that prepares them to learn and develop with all the tools needed to explore a variety of occupations that prepare them for the future.
This includes a modernization of our network and computer systems. In addition, we plan on developing innovative learning spaces that encourage multimedia learning, collaboration with students both in the classroom and around the world, and the tools to explore a variety of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) related subjects.
· 3D Printing and Virtual Reality are some of the new technologies we have integrated into our course offerings and curriculum.
· Students in grades 1 – 5 will be taking a STEAM course to get early exposure to applied math, robotics, programming, and engineering.
· Students in grades 6 – 8 have access to classes in coding, 3D printing, robotics, and college credit technology courses.
· Wi-Fi, Network, and Internet speeds, bandwidth, and density are being updated to assure the best learning environment possible.
· While making physical books available for students that want them, continue to move towards digital textbooks in grades 6 – 8.
· Redesign our facilities to provide a modern library that supports the technology and collaborative spaces necessary to provide a future-proof curriculum.
· Create centralized technology and collaboration hubs that encourage teachers to facilitate an exciting curriculum geared towards future occupations.
· We have create a new professional development plan to assure that our teachers are skilling in taking advantage of the technology in the classroom.
· We have a new Media Specialist and Technology Director who will be guiding our school into the future.
· Students in grade 9 – 12 are free to bring in laptops to support their learning, in addition to the iPads.
· Expansion of the computer labs to assure that students have access when needed.
· Provide class sets of iPads available for lower school.