Covid-19 Response

Will Robert F. Munroe be cancelling classes?

On March 17th, 2020, the Florida Department of Education announced that all private k-12 students are to switch to online instruction. Further details about that process can be found in the questions outlined below.


Will we be having online classes like other online programs?

No. We will be having live classes in which students will get an experience very similar to a normal class. Students will see the teacher conducting lessons, see each other, be able to answer questions, and get help from the teacher. Our experience will mimic a regular classroom as much as possible. 

Will attendance be taken, will grades be given?

Yes. All teachers will take attendance. The students must be physically logged in at the time of the class and verbally confirm their presence. Teachers are being required to give assignments that include some means of providing feedback and a grade. Failure to attend the online lessons could result in retention for the year.

What do parents need to do?
First, make sure you have your PowerSchool account set up. Teachers will likely use this to communicate, assign work, and grade work. Contact if you need help getting access. Please make sure you have your own parent account. Using a child’’s account will not always work for your needs. Teachers will use this to contact you directly. Next, make sure your child has access to their school email account. Be on the lookout for calendar invitations.


Can students get together online?

Students can create calendar invitations, include the conferencing option, and invite other classmates. This will enable them to video chat with friends, work together on projects, and study for upcoming assessments. 

How long will this last?

For now, the closure is until April 15. The Florida Department of Education may extend this to the end of the school year. 

Will we have to make up school days we are missing?

The FLDOE will make a decision after we return back to school. It is possible we will need to make up some or all of the missed school days this summer. This is a decision that the FLDOE will make for all private schools.

Will the athletic seasons continue?

 The FHSAA has not made a decision. All practices and games have been canceled through April 15. 

How will I know when my child's class is online?

Instructions will be sent out later today will explain exactly how this will work. Each child will get a Google Calendar Invitation to a video conference for each class meeting time. These will all appear on the student’s google calendar for easy parent reference.

How will each grade level be affected?

K3 & K4 Classes
Students are allowed to continue coming to school in K3 and K4 starting March 25. We will continue to provide aftercare as well. We will live stream an hour in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon. We strongly encourage families to keep their children at home if possible. If you intend on coming to school, please email your teacher. Please include if you will need aftercare. 

K5 – 5th Grade Classes
We have developed a schedule in which we will live stream our English, Math, Social Studies, and Science classes. All electives will be completed as project-based classes.   

6th – 12th Grade Classes
All academic classes will meet at their regularly scheduled time. Elective classes will move to project-based learning models. Note: Dual Enrollment will follow TCC guidelines for online instruction and may not be live-streamed. 

What has been cancelled or rescheduled?

All events through April 15 have been canceled. All events after April 15 are still on as planned, but this is subject to change. End of the year events such as awards ceremonies, May Day, prom, and graduation will be assessed at a later time.

What happens the first two days back to school? (Mar 23 and 24)


Monday – March 23
Faculty will come to campus to get everything ready to move online.
Homeroom teachers will conduct a test to make sure all students are able to get online. They will contact students who did not make the checking.

Morning – All families should receive student google email logins grades 3k-5. Please email your homeroom teacher if you do not get this by Monday morning.

All Families – Google Calendar Invite Sent for Grade Level Online Meet-Ups by 10:00 AM. These are sent to the student email account.

K3 – K5 Online Meet Up – 2:00 PM
Grades 1 – 2 Online Meet Up – 3:00 PM
Grades 3 – 5 Online Meet Up – 1:00 PM
Grades 6 – 8 Online Meet Up – 12:00 PM
Grades 9 – 12 Online Meet Up – 11:00 AM

Tuesday – March 24
Both campuses will be open from 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM for students and parents to come to get all their personal belongings and to pick up class-specific supplies and handouts. Students in the Upper School need to completely clean out their lockers. Teachers will provide take-home resources for each child with their name on it. In Kindergarten, we will have these placed in your child’s cubby for you to pick up. At the Main Campus, grades 1 – 2 should pick up supplies in their classroom. Grades 3 – 5 will be located in the child’s homeroom classroom. Upper School will have them distributed in the Auditorium. Students will be allowed to go to their lockers to pick up their personal items. Students should also pick up any personal athletic gear remaining in the locker rooms.

Parents and students will be asked to avoid contact with each other during this time. Groups of parents or students will not be allowed to form. Sanitizer Stations are provided at each entrance and must be utilized. Teachers will not be present during this time.

All students will receive invites for all their classes from now through April 15.

What is the live streaming schedule?


Wednesday March 25 – Wednesday April 15
Online Streaming classes begin. Attendance taken in all classes. Grades given in all classes.

When live streaming, teachers may include teaching and time for students to be working while asking questions. Teachers will provide a graded assessment of some kind every class meeting.

Streaming Schedule Grades K3 – 2
Each teacher will stream a one hour lesson in the morning and a 30-minute lesson in the afternoon to cover all their academic lessons. They will include activities to allow students to complete and will provide feedback to parents and students.
K3 – 8:30 AM, 1:30 PM
K4 – 9:30 AM, 2:00 PM
K5 – 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM
1st – 11:30 AM, 3:00 PM
2nd – 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM

Streaming Schedule Grades 3 – 5
Teachers will have up to an hour to provide instruction in their subject each day. The afternoon teachers will have virtual office hours to grade work and answer student questions by email. Students or parents can email teachers to set up small group help sessions with the teachers.

3rd Grade
Math – 8:30 AM
Social Studies – 9:30 AM
English – 10:30 AM
Science – 12:30 PM

Grade 4
Science – 8:30 AM
Math – 9:30 AM
Social Studies – 10:30 AM
English – 11:30 AM

Class 5A
English – 8:30 AM
Science – 9:30 AM
Math – 10:30 AM
Social Studies – 11:30 AM

Class 5B
Social Studies – 8:30 AM
English – 9:30 AM
Science – 10:30 AM
Math – 11:30 AM

Grades 6 – 12
Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Journalism, and Spanish classes will be conducted on the days and times they are normally scheduled. All elective classes should provide content for the students to complete on their own. Students should be working on their assignments live with you providing feedback.

Journalism students will need a laptop. Email Carly Watson <> if you do not have access to one. 


How do I get extra help sessions?

Grades K3-2
Extra Help Sessions: Please contact our Learning Specialist Crystal Tshabe <> to schedule private or small group help sessions. She will be able to provide added instruction, guidance, and extra help through online Meet Ups.

Grades 3-5
Extra Help Sessions: Please contact our Learning Specialist Marcelle Rhodes <> to schedule private or small group help sessions. She will be able to provide added instruction, guidance, and extra help through online Meet Ups. Math specific extra help can be arranged through Melissa Darby <>.

Grades 6-12
All teachers are available to provide additional one-on-one and small group help sessions. Please email your teachers directly to schedule. In addition, the following teachers are also available.

English and Reading Assistance – Densyl Fletcher <>
Honors Math Assistance – Bruce Fraser <>
Math Assistance – Katherine Jamieson <>

What about Duel Enrollment?

All duel enrollment classes will be taught online as per TCC instructions.

How do I stream classes for my child?

Students will be invited through email with a google calendar invite to the live streaming sessions.

Every student has been given access to google apps so they can participate in a virtual classroom environment. Please read all the information below.
What is Needed?
  1. A Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone with internet access.
    These devices are highly recommended, but a call-in number is available if they are not.
  2. Gmail
    How to login with a Gmail account – Computer, Android or Apple
  3. Google Calendar
    How to get started with google calendar – Computer, Android or Apple
  4. Google Meets
    How to join a Google Meets session – Computer, Android or Apple
Complete Process
Here is a step-by-step document that will show you the complete process to join a virtual classroom.
How do I get access to PowerSchool?

Many learning resources will be provided by teachers on PowerSchool. If you do not have access, please contact Scott Upchurch at

How do I get my child's google login?

LS Students – Your child’s homeroom teacher will email the login to the parent’s email on file.
US Students – All US students should already have their Google logins. If not, please contact Mr. Potter at

What if I don't have an internet connection at home?

We have contacted internet providers in the county and two are providing free internet for impacted families.

Effective March 16, 2020, Households impacted by the COVID-19 virus who have K-12 and/or college students, or meet any of the assistance programs below, are eligible to receive Internet Service and a TDS provided Wi-Fi modem free for 60 days.  Press release posted 3/17/2020 –

Comcast / Xfinity  
They are providing assistance for families in need. For more information or to apply, please visit 
How can I get technical help?

We’ve chosen the most user-friendly method we could find for our online streaming of classes. The Technology Department will be available to assist anyone that needs help. You call the school at 850-856-5500 or email any representative below. It is possible that email will receive a quicker response that calling.

All 12 month employees will work normal office hours (8am – 4pm).

Dir. of Technology and Adv. Jeremy Potter
Technology Assistant Kristen Foraker