For important information and documents, please visit Here is a letter from our Head of School with the latest update.

Dear Parents,

When our students return this August it will have been 6 months since our students left on the longest
Spring Break ever. This summer we have been able to hold summer camps, summer school, and
athletics at the school. These have been great in helping us prepare our plans for when our students
return. The safety of our community will be our priority at school start up this year. We plan on starting
strong as advised by the Health Department, the CDC, and the FLDOE.

We have a completed safety plan ready to implement with our students and employees when students
return on August 12. I think it is important to wait to release our final plan closer to the start of school to
avoid causing confusion. We will continue to revise and update our plan internally as the situation
changes. For those items parents may need to prepare for, we will include that information in this
message. Currently, administrators are undergoing frequent safety reviews and training on the reopening
plan. Teachers will return to school the week before students to train and walk through the reopening plan
to assure the safety of our students.

All school employees will be tested between August 1 – 5. We strongly encourage all students to
be tested during the same period of time. Gadsden County has many free testing sites.

As mentioned previously, all parents should ensure their child has a face mask that covers the mouth and
nose. Bandanas will not suffice as a face mask. In addition, we anticipate allowing transparent face
covers. Please be aware there may be some limited situations in which a face mask might be required
instead of a face covering. We will wait until closer to our opening date to get direction from our governing
organizations as to when and how often face coverings and masks will be required.

Back to School Webpage:
Please note the following can be found here: Supply List, Revised School Hours, Required Back to
School Documents, Online Meet My Teacher Event Information, and more.

There is a lot we need to communicate with our families. We have posted everything on the website but
will be happy to mail out a packet to anyone that needs physical copies of the documents. Schedules and
teachers can be seen by logging onto Power School. Please contact if you
need us to mail you a packet containing the same information on the website or you need help logging
onto PowerSchool. If you have any questions about your schedule or need to make any changes, please


Adam Gaffey
Head of School
Robert F. Munroe Day School