Elementary Fun is May 9, 2019

Parents for Munroe’s (PFM) main fundraiser this year is the RFM Fun Run! We will kick off with a Pep Rally on Thursday, May 2nd. Families will then gather pledges for every lap your student runs (30-35 laps), and we’ll celebrate at the Fun Run next...

Summer Camp 2019

Registration for Summer Camp is now open!! We have a lot of great camps available this year! All sports, Cooking, Baking, Movie Club, Nature Trails, Theater and more! Space is limited, so sign up today! Click Here to Register!

School Storm Preparation

Dear Parents,The school has been monitoring Tropical Storm Michael. Based on the most recent updates from the National Weather Service, we have set up a plan of action for the coming week. Please note that this information should all be considered tentative. 1....